Gay porno movies

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It returned to the Playhouse on December 6th, 1974, and January 1976. It was screened at the 55th Street Playhouse in New York from March 27th, to May 23rd, 1974. Additionally, the identity of the late actor portraying Jesus was uncovered as Gustav Von Will (aka 'Tava') in a blog post, thanks to correspondence from his former partner, Vinny Parrillo. Several fragments relating to the movie have resurfaced, including a few advertisements and reviews from online newspaper archives. However, it was soon discovered that the fake film in the book was Dog of Norway.

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The next page claimed one film written about didn't exist, leading many to believe that Him was a fictitious film. It first received mainstream attention in 1980, when it was featured in the book The Golden Turkey Awards, for which it won 'Most Unerotic Concept in Pornography'.

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The film's protagonist is a man with an erotic obsession with Christ. Him is a 1974 movie that loosely references the life of Jesus Christ with homosexual pornographic content.

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